Paavo Järvi Music Director
Tanya König Moderation
classic meets 70s & 80s
Live-Musik im Konzertfoyer mit Musiker*innen des Tonhalle-Orchesters Zürich
Irina Pak, Violine
Amelia Maszonska-Escobar, Violine
Coen Strouken, Viola
Solme Hong, Violoncello
Andreas Berger, Schlagzeug
It may not be an official cycle, but Dmitri Shostakovich's symphonies are currently appearing conspicuously often in Paavo Järvi's programmes. No. 10 is the second symphony he has conducted this season – and in this moderated short concert he also explains it. Perhaps he will also talk about Shostakovich himself, whom he got to know as an 11-year-old. And he will certainly convey in music as well as in words what characterises his works.
Afterwards, our musicians will show in the foyer what kind of music inspires them alongside the great symphonies. The bar will of course be open ..
Translated with DeepL.com