Donations are essential to keep our music at the highest quality level.
In whatever form and to whatever extent you can support the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich - your commitment is the key to success!
Your donations are tax-exempt. We will be happy to send you a donation receipt upon receipt of your donation.
You can order a payment slip here or transfer your contribution directly to our donation account with the reference 'Donation':
Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG
Gotthardstrasse 5, 8002 Zurich
UBS Switzerland AG, 8001 Zurich
Account: 0206-DP121946.0
IBAN: CH41 0020 6206 DP12 1946 0
Alternatively, you can also donate your amount simply and directly via TWINT:
Thank you for your valuable support.
Marta Lisik