Foto: Akvilė Šileikaitė
classic meets electronic

tonhalleLATE with Paavo Järvi and Petar Dundov

An Alpine tour late at night: classical, electronic, danceable.

Soon our legendary format tonhalleLATE, invented 20 years ago, will go into the next round. An Alpine tour in the evening? No problem, that's exactly what Strauss' "Alpine Symphony" is for, which Paavo Järvi will conduct. Strauss himself was a passionate mountaineer, and he composed everything here that he experienced in nature: the sunrise and a waterfall, the happiness on the summit and the thunderstorm on the descent. The only thing missing is relaxation after the exertions.

The musicians of the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich and the Croatian techno-producer Petar Dundov are responsible for this in the second part of the evening – with the legendary fusion of classical and electronic music. Projections continue the mountain tour outside in the foyer: it is night, the shadows of an adventurer appear on the wall. Dawn approaches, everything takes off for a flight, high and higher, the Alpine panorama always in view, until it becomes smaller and smaller and the earth disappears as a tiny speck in space. The audience travels along, dancing as usual.

Translated with

Fri 24. Mar

tonhalleLATE – classic meets electronic

Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, Paavo Järvi Music Director, Kollektiv Packungsbeilage Visuals Strauss
published: 02.03.2023