Foto: Gaëtan Bally

Facts and figures about our cultural institution

Concerts and events are our passion. But facts and figures are also key to our success. Here are some from these three seasons: 2022/23, 2023/24 and 2024/25.

Our tasks

We, the Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich AG, are the organiser of the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich and also perform other tasks:

1. Concerts with the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich in the Great and Small Tonhalle:

The orchestra performs around 85 concerts in the Grosse Tonhalle in 40 different programmes each season. Musicians from the orchestra also regularly perform in chamber music formations in the Kleine Tonhalle.

2. Concerts of the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich in Zurich:

We also play at various venues in the city. Under the title "classic meets art", concerts are held at Hauser & Wirth Zurich and in museums. In June 2025, the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich will perform for two days in Zurich's Münsterhof courtyard with the newly founded open-air format tonhalleAIR. Our chamber music series for children is called "Kunterwunderbunt" and is offered in various community centres in the city of Zurich.

3. Concerts by the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich at guest performances and on tour:

We have been travelling throughout Europe and the world for decades. We have performed in over 100 cities in more than 30 countries and carry the name of our home - Tonhalle Zurich - out into the world. Our Music Director Paavo Järvi conducts these concerts.

4. The Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich organises its own series:

In addition to subscription and special concerts of the Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich, the Tonhalle -Gesellschaft Zürich is also responsible for special formats such as Kosmos Chamber Music, Série jeunes, Klavier-Rezitale, Creative Chair, Kosmos Organ. In the 2024/25 and 2025/26 seasons, the Shostakovich string quartet cycle with the Jerusalem Quartet will be added.

5. Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich as operator of the Tonhalle Zürich:

We have been the operator of the Tonhalle Zurich since 1 August 2022, which means that in addition to our own events, we are also responsible for the entire rental business of the Tonhalle halls and the operation of the building. In the 2022/23 season, 88,491 visitors attended 132 events for which event organisers rented the Kleine or Grosse Tonhalle.

6. Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich as a cooperation partner:

We have initiated tonhalleAIR and Connect with the Zurich Opera House, among others. We are a cooperation partner of over 25 institutions, cultural organisers and festivals.

Our finances (2022/23 season)

We calculate in seasons and present our income and expenditure in our annual report. For example, our income and subsidies in the 2022/23 season are broken down as follows

Income from concerts and events: CHF 7,212,222.99

  • Subsidies from the City of Zurich: concert operations: CHF 17,977,200.00
  • Subsidies from the City of Zurich: Room expenses: CHF 2,451,300.00
  • Contributions from private individuals: CHF 4,194,332.49
  • Other operating income: CHF 2,328,992.34

As at 31 July 2023, the Tonhalle-Gesellschaft Zürich offered 147 full-time positions (Tonhalle-Orchester Zürich and management team).

The 2024/25 season in figures

  • 131 subscription concerts (2023/24 season: 116, 2022/23 season: 124)
  • 27 concerts with Music Director Paavo Järvi (2023/24 season: 37, 2022/23 season: 38)
  • 25 guest conductors including 6 debuts (2023/24 season: 17 guest conductors and 3 debuts, 2022/23 season: 22 guest conductors and 6 debuts)
  • 3 CD releases (2023/24 season: 3, 2022/23 season: 2)
  • 4 guest appearances, Spanish tour with 5 concerts, European tour with 8 concerts (2023/24 season: 4 guest appearances, European tour with 7 concerts, Asian tour with 8 concerts; 2022/23 season: 2 guest appearances, Elbphilharmonie Hamburg residency with 3 concerts, European tour with 4 concerts)
  • 460 total events in music education (2023/24 season: 392)
  • 120 to 130 rentals of large and small concert halls (2022/23 season: 132)

Our digital communication channels (2022/23 season)


  • 676,482 people reached; 12 % (2021/22 season: 602,242)
  • 2,866,227 page views; 4 % (2021/22 season: 2,755,549)
  • 12:52 average reading time in minutes; 6 % (2021/22 season: 12:03)
  • 384,085 people reached by mobile phone (responsive); 25 % (2021/22 season: 307,133)
  • 94,796 newsletters, number of recipients; 9 % (2021/22 season: 86,759)

Social media

  • 17,932,656 Total people reached 531.51 % (2021/22 season: 2,839,628)
  • 1552 Number of posts; 31.77 % (2021/22 season: 1059)
  • 147,206 Number of fans, followers, subscribers on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X (formerly Twitter), YouTube; 358.4 % (2021/22 season: 32,113)

Our CD awards

  • John Adams: 4 orchestral works with the Diapason d'Or of the month, November 2022
  • Bruckner Symphony No. 7 with the Diapason d'Or, April 2023
  • Bruckner Symphony No. 8 with the International Classical Music Award (ICMA), April 2024

Translated with

published: 20.08.2024
